Senator Chafee calls to Set America Free

From Senator Chafee’s editorial today in The Hill: “America consumes 25 percent of the world?s oil supply while sitting on only 3 percent of global reserves. The United States is importing 60 percent of its oil. These numbers just aren?t sustainable.
“That is why Jim Woolsey and I are both members of the Set America Free Coalition, which advocates a blueprint for American energy security [...]
“It is dangerous to be buying billions of dollars of oil from nations that sponsor or are allied with radical elements who foment anti-American hatred, or from countries like Venezuela and Nigeria, where corruption and turmoil are rampant. It wouldn?t take much ? a single act of terrorism or a ruling power?s caprice ? to cause a catastrophic disruption in the U.S. energy supply [...]
“It was a turning point indeed when our president looked us in the eye and said, ?We are addicted to oil.? Now it is time to stop talking and start acting. We must take bold, bipartisan action.”

Senator Chafee is a co-sponsor of S.2025, The Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act. He’s also co-sponsor of S.2747, which is basically S.2025 without the tax provisions (S.2747 was introduced so as to have a version of S.2025 that would be under a single committee’s jurisdiction, namely the Energy Committee. ) Are your Senators?

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