Frank Gaffney responds to the Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams is pronouncement last week that we had better get used to the imposition of Shariah (Islamic law) in Britain since it is now, in the Archbishop’s words, “unavoidable.”:
The creeping (some call it “Fabian”) imposition of Shariah in America and other freedom-loving nations is not exclusively a product of the coercive effects of terror-backed intimidation and what it evokes from the likes of Archbishop Williams in the form of politically correct “sensitivity” and acts of appeasement.
It is also the result of the money available to avowed Islamists and their enablers in places like Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf states. [...]
Whether movements of these funds manifest themselves as U.S. acquisitions by Sovereign Wealth Funds (which would be better described as “Dictators Slush Funds”) emanating from Islamist nations or as so-called “Shariah-compliant finance,” the effect, over time, will be truly “unavoidable”: investments in what the Islamofascists call “financial jihad” — penetration and subversion of American and other Western capitalist systems.
It is an ignominious fact that most of the money put to such insidious uses comes from us, in the form of hundreds of billions of dollars we transfer abroad to purchase oil. [...]
We [...]must do something meaningful and effective about what President Bush has rightly called “our addiction to oil.”
Fortunately, there is a practical, near-term and low-cost way to begin dramatically reducing our dependence on oil imported from places that wish us ill: “fuel competition.” This alternative to our present, near-exclusive reliance on a commodity controlled by a cartel can be achieved by creating an infrastructure that will permit our transportation sector (where we use most of our imported oil and use it most profligately) to use instead “Freedom Fuels” — namely, ethanol and methanol that we can produce here at home or import cost-effectively from friendly countries.
How can we obtain such an infrastructure? Simple: By adopting an Open Fuel Standard that requires every new car sold in America to have not only seat-belts and air bags but Flexible Fuel Vehicle (FFV) capability. An FFV can use ethanol or methanol or gasoline (or some combination) thanks to a chip and some plastic fittings in the fuel system. Today, these cost a trivial $100 per car. When in three years time, 50 million American cars have this feature (and another 50 million to 100 million overseas), the marginal additional cost will probably be zero.