Set America Free and Calcars plug in hybrid vehicle journey around Capitol Hill today was a great success. As promised yesterday, some photos of today’s press conference and Member test drives. More to come tommorow.
100+mpg in front of the Capitol.
A pre demo briefing to Capitol Police.
Congressmen Kingston and Engel take the car for a spin.
Senator Sam Brownback, accompanied by Frank Gaffney and Felix Kramer, tries out some new wheels.
Congressmen Kingston, Engel, and Smith examine the required infrastructure.
House Science Committee Energy Subcommittee Rep. Biggert holds the required infrastructure: a plug.
Senator Jeff Bingaman, Ranking Member of the Senate Energy Committee.
Senator Hillary Clinton stopped by to take a look.
Former Majority Leader Senator Daschle enjoying the ride.
Check out more pictures on Rep. Jack Kingston’s blog.