Set America Free Coalition member Edwin Black, who just came out with a new book titled “The Plan: How to Save America When the Oil Stops -or the Day Before” appeared on the Glenn Beck show on CNN last night:
BECK: Edwin, you say democracy — fuel democracy should be the rule. What exactly does that mean?
EDWIN BLACK, AUTHOR OF “THE PLAN”: Well the fuel democracy that I’ve called for mandates that our country take whatever good alternative fuel and propulsion method is best at hand, whether that`s compressed natural gas, whether that is sugar cane ethanol, where that is methanol, whether that is bio-fuel, second generation bio-fuel. That is the way that we will get off of oil, and that really calls for an open fuel standard, a flex fuel standard and what’s more important is that our nation is completely unprepared for an oil interruption.
BECK: Edwin, please, talk about that just a little bit, because I don`t think people understand. The straits of Hormuz; that is right off of the coast of Iran, just Iran just said deciding to say we`re just going to make sure we shut this down. That would, what would that mean to America and our economy?
BLACK: The Strait of Hormuz is the only place that can kill America. It is two miles wide in each direction. It is right off the coast of Iran, going underneath the pockmarked caves of Iran which is rich with silk worms, exsiccate missiles, the Al Qaeda is there. If the Strait of Hormuz is blocked, it`ll block 40 percent of all sea-borne oil, 18 percent of the global supply and 15 percent to 20 percent eventually of America`s supply.